Review: Religion in Mind

August 2, 2011 Dave Rohr 0

Given its penchant for to publishing findings in obscure journals, one can easily miss the profound discoveries in the field of the cognitive study of […]

Dreams and religion

April 21, 2011 Dave Rohr 0

In the many discussions on the new cognitive science of religion, one never hears mention of the relation of dreams to religion. Yet dreams have […]

Bruya’s Effortless Attention

June 29, 2010 Dave Rohr 0

Everyone has experiences of being “in the zone.” These usually occur while engaged in some challenging but enjoyable activity, like playing basketball or ballroom dancing. […]

Natural religion?

November 6, 2008 Dave Rohr 0

Despite many famous examples of contemporary atheism in the media, and often highly dubious claims of religions, widespread belief continues. Why? In a recent essay […]